Who is James Ladner, the man who went viral after UFC 15?

James Ladner is a combat sports fan who turned into one of the most recognizable memes in the world of mixed martial arts. He is famously known as the 'just bleed' guy. He currently works as an accountant and doesn't follow MMA anymore.

James Ladner is a combat sports fan who turned into one of the most recognizable memes in the world of mixed martial arts. He is famously known as the 'just bleed' guy. He currently works as an accountant and doesn't follow MMA anymore.

During the live broadcast of UFC 15: Collision Course, Ladner was seen standing bare-chested with the words "Just Bleed" written across his torso.

As the camera slowly zoomed in on him, Ladner let out a massive war cry that will probably never be forgotten by hardcore MMA fans. His shout at UFC 15 was replayed many times and he soon became famous in the MMA community.

In an earlier interview with Bloody Elbow, Lander revealed how he got to UFC 15 and the details were shocking and somewhat ugly. Ladner was into watching cockfighting, where roosters with razors fastened to their ankles fought to the death. Ladner admitted to watching and even betting on those fights.

However, once he saw a pair of dogs fight each other to the death, Ladner shifted his focus away from animal and bird fights. To satisfy his love for violence, he started watching humans fight. Ladner organized backyard brawling contests in the '90s and competed in them.

“I would say, ‘I’m going to put up $10,000 and we’re going to fight to the last man. Whoever is the last person who can continue to fight will win the money. I would promote, I would fight, I would pay the money. It wouldn’t matter to me, I just really liked it,” James Ladner told Bloody Elbow.

He said the rules were a lot similar to those in the initial days of the UFC. He also claimed that referees would officiate the unsanctioned bouts. Around that time, Ladner happened to watch UFC 1. He then got hooked to watching professional MMA. However, he lost his interest when the UFC adopted the unified rules of MMA.

"It was always in the back of mind: does size matter? Does technique matter? And when the UFC started out, it came the closest - I think - we’ve ever come to answering some of these questions. Because you would see really light and fast men prevail over people who were a whole lot bigger and stronger. That’s what intrigued me and what had me following the sport.”

James Ladner found out he was famous during prison stint

James Ladner found out that he was famous while serving a ten-year sentence in prison. He was found guilty after getting caught with 30 ecstasy pills in his possession. A guard reminded him of the 'just bleed' incident and told him he was the biggest celebrity in prison.

James Ladner doesn't watch the UFC anymore. He lives a quiet and peaceful life as an accountant. However, he will always be remembered as the 'just bleed' guy by MMA fans across the globe.

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