What is Mike Trout's ethnicity? Exploring Team USA and Angels star's family heritage

Mike Trout and Team USA will be looking to secure the second World Baseball Classic title for the Americans. The reigning WBC champions have appeared to keep getting stronger and stronger as the tournament progressed with the United States dominating Team Cuba 14-2 in a semifinal victory.

Mike Trout and Team USA will be looking to secure the second World Baseball Classic title for the Americans. The reigning WBC champions have appeared to keep getting stronger and stronger as the tournament progressed with the United States dominating Team Cuba 14-2 in a semifinal victory.

Now, the Trout and the United States are set for a final date with Team Japan, as both teams will attempt to make history Tuesday. Throughout the short history of the WBC, only Japan has one the tournament twice. A victory for the USA will tie them with the Japanese.

However, if Team Japan can pick up the victory, it will have won at least two more titles than every other country. Entering the WBC, both the USA and Japan were among the favorites to win the entire tournament. Now, baseball fans will be able to see which nation is the best in baseball.

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One of the major storylines surrounding Team Japan during the World Baseball Classic has been Lars Nootbaar. The St. Louis Cardinals outfielder became the first player born outside of Japan to compete for the national team.

Seeing Nootbaar play with Japan and Austin Barnes with Team Mexico has led to baseball fans diving into the ethnicities and backgrounds of several stars participating in the tournament. This includes Mike Trout, as many baseball fans have been curious about the generational superstar's heritage.

While Trout is a Caucasian who was born and raised in the United States. Like most Americans, his heritage can be tied to nations across the globe. Trout's family lineage can be traced to several countries across Europe, including Serbia, the Czech Republic, Germany, England and Ireland.

"Shohei Ohtani and Mike Trout have led their countries to the WBC final. Imagine if they were on the same team," Barstool Sports tweeted.

Mike was born in 1991 to Jeff and Debbie Trout in Vineland, New Jersey. However, he grew up in Millville, New Jersey, eventually embracing the nickname "The Millville Meteor." Jeff and Debbie's grandparents were born to parents that came from various ethnic backgrounds, with Debbie's grandfather being Czech.

A look at Mike Trout's MLB accomplishments

No matter what happens for the remainder of his career, whether it is with the Los Angeles Angels or elsewhere, Trout will forever be one of the best to have ever played the game. Now 12 seasons into his MLB career, the outfielder has hit 350 home runs with 896 RBIs and 1,543 hits. He has also stolen 204 bases while maintaining a career .303 batting average in 6,159 plate appearances.

The only blemish on his Hall of Fame resume is the fact that he has only ever played in three postseason games. The only time the Angels have made the postseason with Mike Trout on the roster came in 2014, and since then, the franchise has struggled to surround its star with a championship-caliber roster.

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