What is IV? Is it a banned substance in the UFC? Here's what USADA says about it

Dan Hooker's accusations against Islam Makhachev for cheating through the use of IV infusions at UFC 284 have shocked the mixed martial arts world. Here is everything you need to know about the substance in the context of the allegations.

Dan Hooker's accusations against Islam Makhachev for cheating through the use of IV infusions at UFC 284 have shocked the mixed martial arts world. Here is everything you need to know about the substance in the context of the allegations.

According to the United States Anti-Doping Agency, the UFC's anti-doping partner since 2015, an intravenous injection or infusion (IV) occurs when a substance is given directly into the vein through a needle.

The USADA rules stipulate that intravenous infusions and injections are prohibited both in-competition and out-of-competition if the volume of the substance exceeds 100 milliliters within a 12-hour period. The ruling stands regardless of the legality of the substance. The focus of the prohibition is the method of intake and volume.

However, if an athlete requires an IV, a Therapeutic Use Exemption allows them to not only make use of the method of intake but also exceed the limit. The exemption can further be expanded to include banned substances by applying for two TUEs, one for the prohibited substance and one for the excess volume.

IVs are prohibited because they enhance performance and help an athlete by increasing plasma levels and aiding recovery and recuperation. They are also known to distort an athlete's biological passport.

Dan Hooker accuses Islam Makhachev of using IVs at UFC 284

After Islam Makhachev's resilient win over Alexander Volkanovski, the featherweight champion's City Kickboxing teammate Dan Hooker leveled strong allegations against the lightweight champion.

'The Hangman' took to Twitter in an expletive-filled rant that accused Makhachev of hiring a nurse to administer intravenous injections to him.

"Dumb c*nt thinks he can fly to Australia, hire a nurse to give him an I.V., and we won’t find out. Cheating dog."

Check out Dan Hooker's tweet below: Warning NSFW Language

Hooker elaborated and named Islam Makhachev in subsequent tweets upon the fans' requests.

"He doesn’t cheat, he doesn’t win." "Islam is a cheat."

Check out his tweets below:

Islam Makhachev has not responded to the allegations himself nor has his manager Ali Abdelaziz. Similarly, the UFC and the United States Anti-Doping Agency have not weighed in on the issue yet and Hooker has duly called the latter out on the same in a tweet.

The lightweight shared a Google search screenshot and demanded action from USADA in a tweet.

Check it out below: Warning NSFW Language

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