What High School Did Ariana Grande Go To?

Singing, acting, all-around celebrity sensation Ariana Grande has been exercising her gifts since she was barely a teenager, getting her big break decades before many others do. A part of the jumpstart that her career received was being cast in the show Victorious, a sitcom set in a high-school, but what school did Ariana Grande

Singing, acting, all-around celebrity sensation Ariana Grande has been exercising her gifts since she was barely a teenager, getting her big break decades before many others do. A part of the jumpstart that her career received was being cast in the show Victorious, a sitcom set in a high-school, but what school did Ariana Grande actually attend?

Ariana Grande was enrolled at North Broward Preparatory School during her high school years, though her attendance was cut short by her other obligations. She still occasionally attended, however, and kept up with her studies.

To say that Grande’s career was already on a trajectory aimed directly upwards, straight towards the stars, is putting it lightly. The young actor and singer already had a plan for the course of her life in both her music career and her acting.

Road to Victory

The life of your average highschooler will be punctuated by your usual mixture of everyday issues, from complications in their education to all the interpersonal problems that adolescence brings in tow. For Grande, however, she had an entirely different set of issues during her high school years.

She was initially enrolled at North Broward Preparatory School. A private school designed for the preparation of students to further their education, Grande’s educational path that had been laid out for her was one that could afford her great opportunity academically.

For a prospective teenage star with dreams of success in the bright lights of stardom, a somewhat “standard” pathway to an average life was the least of her interest. After all, she had already been flexing her vocals with performances in musicals since was a young child, and her intention was to take it to the next level.

Taking it to the next level is exactly what she did, as she managed to land herself a role in a far larger production than the previous ones that she had been used to, with a part in the Broadway musical 13.

Officially, she was still a student of North Broward Preparatory School, but her commitments meant that she simply didn’t have the time to continue physically attending the school. To make up for this, she took learning materials with her while she was on tour.

Things didn’t slow down from there, either, as instead of returning to school she was granted another opportunity in the form of an acting role on Nickelodeon produced TV show Victorious. Of course, the filming of a TV show demanded just as much time, if not more, than her part in the musical, meaning she spent even less time at school.

What Was High Schooler Grande Like?

Before she was flitting around on stage and on the sets of TV shows, however, what was Grande actually like when she was in school? Judging by her talents and the glamour that we come to now associate with her, you might think that she would have had the run of the school.

According to Grande, that image of the untouchable popular girl who held the adoration of the student body and teachers alike was far from her reality. Grande describes herself as being far more “nerdy” while she was in school.

It’s an almost impossible image to conjure, and when she elaborates on the kind of difficulties that she faced it becomes even harder to imagine.

She has mentioned more than once the difficulties that she faced at the hands of bullies during her time in school. Thankfully, however, in the same breath, she also drops the names of friends that she had who remained constant and stalwart companions, people who were able to keep her grounded through bullying or the fame she eventually came to enjoy.

Apart from stories like that which are no doubt relatable to anyone who attended high school, it seems that for the most part, Grande had a notably atypical experience due to her eventually spending the majority of her time filming or performing.

One example of that non-standard experience was the fact that she was never afforded the opportunity to attend the prom. She mentions this in an interview, discussing how the closest she actually got was during the filming of one of the episodes of Victorious.

Still, even with all of that going on, she managed to graduate!

