What does 'Top G' mean that Andrew Tate is referred to?

Andrew Tate has become one of the most talked about names over the past few months. The former kickboxer is often referred to as 'Top G' by his fanbase. According to Urban Dictonary, 'Top G' refers to someone who is capable in all realms.

Andrew Tate has become one of the most talked about names over the past few months. The former kickboxer is often referred to as 'Top G' by his fanbase. According to Urban Dictonary, 'Top G' refers to someone who is capable in all realms.

The word 'Top G' looks suitable to be used in reference to Andrew Tate, who has built a personality of being adept at everything. Tate's a businessman, fighter, motivational-speaker, internet personality and car-enthusiast.

The former kickboxer has built a narrative around him which makes him seem a step above the rest.

'Cobra' started to come to light through Tik Tok where clips of his controversial statements started to go viral. They spread like wildfire and his statements soon took over Instagram as well. However, the majority of his takes were viewed as a product of toxic masculinity and his remarks led to him being banned from social media.

Instagram and Facebook were the first ones to take the step about two weeks ago. Later, other platforms such as TikTok and YouTube followed suit. However, the ban on Tate has only added to his notoriety.

Andrew Tate talks about having a positive impact on the world

As mentioned earlier, 'Cobra' was banned from all social media platforms around two weeks ago. Since then, many have wondered as to what will be next for Tate. Well, the former kickboxer answered all the questions by uploading an hour-long video on Vimeo.

In the video, he talked about a variety of topics, including how he wants to have a positive impact on the world. He stated:

"All that's left for me to do is have a positive impact on the world. I don't think anybody truly wants to go down as a villain."

Andrew Tate further talked about his charitable ventures. While plugging in his email list and explaining his plans, Tate said:

"I will be detailing on my email list all the charitable donations. All of the orphanages I will be building... Pictures, financial evidence, and receipts."

Watch the video below:

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