Vodka saves cat after it drinks antifreeze

A SHOT of vodka and a bit of luck is the recipe that has saved a curious cats life. The black cat, now named Tipsy, was rushed to the RSPCA hospital after being found near death outside a tyre shop in Lowood, Queensland.

A SHOT of vodka and a bit of luck is the recipe that has saved a curious cat’s life.

The black cat, now named Tipsy, was rushed to the RSPCA hospital after being found near death outside a tyre shop in Lowood, Queensland.

At the hospital, staff discovered that he had consumed antifreeze, which was causing acute renal failure.

Once veterinarian Sarah Kanther realised what was wrong she knew that vodka was the only way to save this kitty’s life and, by pure chance, one of the vet nurses had been given a bottle of vodka for Christmas.

While it may not have been the type of emergency the bottle was planned for, the quick-thinking staff administered 20ml of diluted vodka into Tipsy’s system through a drip in enough time to reverse the effects of the toxic coolant.

“It sounds a bit radical but the enzymes that metabolise the antifreeze, making it more toxic to the kidneys, also metabolises the ethanol in vodka,” Dr Kanther told The Courier Mail.

“Once we administered that, he metabolised the vodka instead of the antifreeze.”

It seemed that luck was certainly on Tipsy’s side that day as Dr Kanther estimated he probably had less than an hour to live when he arrived at the hospital.

After twelve hours on the drip Tipsy was “off his rocker” and “having a jolly good time and once the buzz wore off and the inevitable headache probably started to kick in the staff gave him a big greasy breakfast, according to ABC News.

It isn’t known if Tipsy was purposefully poisoned but he is on the mend and, as he isn’t microchipped, will be found a loving home once he makes a full recovery.

