Tom Cruise gained some weight

The Cruise-Holmes merger is said to be about six weeks away. While Katie has shaped up with the help of a trainer using the Buff Brides program, Tom looks like all his PR appearances have him stress eating.

The Cruise-Holmes merger is said to be about six weeks away. While Katie has shaped up with the help of a trainer using the Buff Brides program, Tom looks like all his PR appearances have him stress eating.

His face is all puffed up and he looks like he’s trying to suck it in. He also needs a haircut badly. What happened to him?

I remember seeing the pictures of his visit to Yahoo! and thinking “He may be batshit crazy, but he still looks hot.” Now he’s just crazy.

In amusing related news, a guy was arrested for taking a leak on the grounds at the Cruise estate. It’s unknown how he got on the premises is in the first place:

A man caught urinating on Tom Cruise’s property has been arrested for lewd conduct.

The unnamed man was caught on video relieving himself on the movie star’s Los Angeles estate, and he was swiftly apprehended and arrested by Beverly Hills police.

Cruise, Holmes and Suri were said to be home at the time, but their place is so huge they might not have even known about it.

Here are Tom, Katie and possibly Tom’s mom at another one of Isabella’s soccer games on 9/16. Thanks to for these pictures.

