Randy Jackson's weight loss journey explored as netizens express concern online

Netizens were shocked, and some were even appalled by American musician Randy Jackson's drastic weight loss. In 2003 the music icon underwent gastric bypass surgery. Since then, Jackson has lost over 100 pounds.

Netizens were shocked, and some were even appalled by American musician Randy Jackson's drastic weight loss. In 2003 the music icon underwent gastric bypass surgery. Since then, Jackson has lost over 100 pounds.

While Jackson was a judge on American Idol from 2002 to 2013, his weight reached 350 pounds. It prompted the musician, who is now 65 years old, to make some changes to his health, which finally led to his dropping 114 pounds.

Randy Jackson (Before) (Image via Getty Images)

Randy Jackson appeared as the bandleader on the third season of the game show Name That Tune, which premiered on television in January 2023. A few netizens shared pictures of him from the show on Twitter and exclaimed how they almost could not recognize him and thought he was some CGI character.

One user @Dan_Lauer41 wrote:

"Yo d** what's wrong with this man? He looks like a plastic puppet. #RandyJackson"
Internet reacts to Jackson's transformation (Image via Twitter/@Dan_Lauer41)

Two other users chimed in to reply to this tweet. One person called the musician a "Disney robot," while the other compared Jackson to an old "Thunderbirds puppet."

Internet frets over Randy Jackson's transformation

Although Jackson has previously discussed his weight loss on television after American Idol, he has not been widely seen by the public. This is probably why he appeared on Season 3 of Celebrity Name That Tune in January 2023. Netizens who spotted him on the screen were either concerned or shocked about the idol's noticeable transformation.

Here are a few reactions:

Jackson speaks about his weight loss journey

The idol shared his routine of maintaining his remarkable weight loss throughout the years since his surgery, which he referred to as a jump starter. Jackson said losing weight is a fast process, but maintaining it is a different thing.

Randy Jackson on Name That Tune (Image via FOX)

He revealed that it was not easy to keep the weight off initially, especially after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Randy Jackson claimed that he has stopped using the word "diet" because he hates it.

Randy Jackson described how a person who loses weight starts eating and drinking more again, and the weight starts coming back. It is what started happening to him as well. But Jackson decided not to spend his life going through this issue.

Jackson talked about suffering from binge eating and how he had to take decisive steps to grasp the behavioral psychology behind his habit of binge eating. He then started focusing on his gut health.

The musician revealed that he eats vegetables, salmon, potatoes, or rice for five of his daily meals. Fruits like apples or bananas, cheese, drinks, or protein bars make up the majority of his snacking diet. To balance off his meals, he makes sure to leave room for dessert.

Jackson said:

“If I really feel like I need to have a piece of candy, I have a small piece so that in my mind, I'm not saying, ‘No, no, no’. The more you deny yourself, the more you're going to go on a bender and have 18 candy bars without stopping at some point. ”

Randy Jackson spoke about his weight loss journey on The Jennifer Hudson Show as well. He shared that he had to lose weight due to type 2 diabetes. The musician said that he even started a multi-action supplement company, Unify Health Labs, to help others who are dealing with the same problem.

He was a guest on Hudson’s show in September 2022, where Jackson urged the audience to consult a healthcare provider and, if possible, a behavioral therapist as well. He said:

“Maybe you’re not looking in the mind. Weight loss is 80% diet.”

Randy Jackson continued that when someone is scared, worried, or depressed, they often satiate themselves with food. But the musician believes that having control over one’s urges and emotions is key. In Jackson’s opinion, this is why psychiatry works.

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