Is Robert Pattinson playing Midas in the Fortnite movie? Viral Tweet debunked

Is Robert Pattinson playing Midas in the Fortnite movie? While having the actor portray one of the most charismatic and essential characters in the metaverse sounds like a dream come true for many, it will never come to pass. Despite rumors circulating about a movie, there is no confirmation from any viable source stating that

Is Robert Pattinson playing Midas in the Fortnite movie? While having the actor portray one of the most charismatic and essential characters in the metaverse sounds like a dream come true for many, it will never come to pass. Despite rumors circulating about a movie, there is no confirmation from any viable source stating that Robert Pattinson will be playing Midas.

While Epic Games has featured some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, like Dwayne Johnson and Brie Larson, in-game, Robert Pattinson is not one of them. Why is the community anticipating his arrival if he's not joining the metaverse in any official capacity? Well, it all boils down to a tweet shared by a well-known leaker/data miner, FitzyLeakz.

Fortnite leaker/data miner starts a viral trend by teasing an image that states Robert Pattinson is being cast as Midas

On June 21, 2023, FitzyLeakz, a prominent leaker/data miner within the community, posted an image showcasing Robert Pattinson playing Midas in the upcoming movie. Given that Epic Games uses star-studded talent in-game, this was an understandable decision on their part. The Tweet in question looks very real and looks like it's been taken from a popular Twitter account called DiscussingFilm.

While there is a source for the information given as the Hollywood Reporter, upon conducting a manual check, no such article is available. Nevertheless, given the hype surrounding both individuals, the Tweet has been viewed over a million times since being posted.

Although Fortnite enthusiasts realize that the Tweet is inaccurate, others have taken it to heart and eagerly anticipate that Robert Pattinson will play Midas. As mentioned, while the idea sounds marvelous, there is no confirmation of this ever happening. That said, here's how a few fans reacted:

From the replies, it's easy to understand that not everyone was happy with this humorous take on the casting. While some couldn't believe their eyes, others were annoyed with the false information. That said, there's no official word about a Fortnite movie in development. Given that the storyline is open-ended, there's a lot to consider.

Furthermore, with the brand new Fortnite x Marvel comics rumored to release in 2023, a lot has already been planned out for this year. While the idea of a movie is fantastic, Epic Games already tells the story of the metaverse via numerous mediums - from in-game live events to trailers/teasers and comics.

When will the rumored Fortnite movie come out?

With little or no information, the only thing left is speculation and guesswork. With so much happening in the metaverse at the moment, there's no timeline in place for an upcoming movie. Furthermore, with the game undergoing more development with each new iteration of the Unreal Engine, there's a lot to focus on in-game.

That being said, a movie may start development once Chapter 4 ends in 2023. But even if this comes to pass, nothing will likely come to fruition for a few years. Until then, players will have to do with cinematic trailers/teasers.

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