How to choose motherboards for RTX 3060 Ti GPUs

RTX 3060 Ti is one of the fastest-selling Ampere GPUs. It is currently the third-most-popular among the current-gen, with a market share of 2%. The graphics card unit is only behind RTX 3060 and RTX 3070.

RTX 3060 Ti is one of the fastest-selling Ampere GPUs. It is currently the third-most-popular among the current-gen, with a market share of 2%. The graphics card unit is only behind RTX 3060 and RTX 3070.

Nvidia launched the 3060 Ti in 2020 as a premium 1080p gaming option with no compromises. This video card is around 15% slower than the 1440p gaming king, the RTX 3070. It packs exceptional rendering performances. Thus, there is no doubt that gamers are rallying behind this GPU.

The RTX 3060 Ti currently selling for around $390. Thus, gamers who are looking to build a sub-$1000 build can easily opt for this GPU. However, after they have finalized the GPU and a competent CPU, they can get confused between the number of options available in the motherboard market.

A guide to choosing the best motherboards for RTX 3060 Ti GPUs

A Gigabyte motherboard (Image via Gigabyte)

The performance of the graphics card is mostly not affected by the choice of GPU. Any motherboard with a PCIe x16 slot should be able to run all modern games without a hiccup.

However, if users opt for a 3060 Ti, they should ensure that the motherboard has at least one PCIe Gen 4 slot and the slot is steel-riveted. Most of the modern ones also come with a steel-riveted PCIe x16 to prevent damage caused by chunky GPUs.

Best AMD motherboards for the 3060 Ti

AMD has three Southbridge chipsets to choose from. These include the high-end Xx70 lineup, the budget Bx50 lineup, and the entry-level A320 and A520 platforms.

1) Xx70 motherboards

The Xx70 lineup packs the highest-end AMD motherboards available in the market. These offerings can be a bit of an overkill for a budget performance-focused GPU based on the 3060 Ti. However, gamers who have a sufficient budget to spend on one of these motherboards can opt for these flagship products.

2) Bx50 motherboards

The Bx50 lineup is a solid mix of features and pricing. For most users, the budget Bx50 motherboards are the best option for pairing with an RTX 3060 Ti-based build.

3) A320 and A520: Too basic for the RTX 3060 Ti

A320 and A520 are entry-level and cost-effective motherboards based on the AM4 platform. These are mainly built for office-use PCs and low-power-entertainment PCs. Pairing an RTX 3060 Ti with these is not recommended as they are Gen 3.

Best Intel motherboards for RTX 3060 Ti

Intel has four motherboard lineups for users to choose from. These include the Zx90, Hx70, Bx60, and Hx10 lineups. The classification system is quite similar to AMD motherboards.

1) Zx90 motherboards

The Z690 Godlike (Image via MSI)

The Zx90 motherboards are the flagship offering from Intel. Like Xx70 offerings, these are a bit of an overkill for a budget build based on the 3060 Ti.

2) Hx70 motherboards

The Hx70 offerings are a slightly turned-down version of the Zx90 motherboards. This lineup is the best option for the 3060 Ti as it comes with plenty of features to utilize the most out of the graphics card. However, it is not as popular and has very few options in the market to choose from.

3) Bx60 motherboards

Bx60 motherboards are practically the best buy for a 3060 Ti-based build. These motherboards are not super expensive, unlike the Zx90 lineup, and have numerous options to choose from, which gives it an edge over the Hx70 motherboards that don't offer many options.

4) Hx10 motherboards

Hx10 motherboards are entry-level offerings from Intel. Lately, the Hx10 lineup has become a viable option for gamers on a budget. The H610 motherboards are all PCIe Gen 4, have a steel-riveted PCIe x16 slot, and can easily handle up to a Core i5 12600 (non-K) processor.

Thus, RTX 3060 Ti users who do not want to spend a fortune on their motherboard can opt for the H610 lineup.

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