How much do NFL head coaches make? Exploring 5 highest and 5 lowest-paid coaches in 2023

Over the past three decades, the average value of an NFL team has increased from $100 million to $4.14 billion. The average coaching salary has increased from under $300,000 to over $6 million in that period.

Over the past three decades, the average value of an NFL team has increased from $100 million to $4.14 billion. The average coaching salary has increased from under $300,000 to over $6 million in that period.

Contrary to players, NFL head coaches' salaries are not subject to salary cap, and most coaches have long contracts. A coach receives an extension before his contract expires if their team performs well. If the team is having trouble, the coach might be dismissed at any time.

As of 2023, the average NFL head coach earns approximately $6.6 million annually. In contrast, the average yearly salary of the other assistant coaches on an NFL team is $5.5 million. Pay scales for the top ten NFL head coaches range from $8 million to $12 million annually.

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Who are the top five earning head coaches in NFL?

#1 Bill Belichick – New England Patriots - $20 million

It stands to reason that Bill Belichick is the highest-paid coach after 23 seasons and six Super Bowl victories with the New England Patriots.

#2 Sean Payton – Denver Broncos - $18 million

According to many publications, Sean Payton's contract with the Denver Broncos is for five years, and he earns around $18 million per year.

#3 Pete Carroll – Seattle Seahawks - $15 million

Pete Carroll, who has 29 years of NFL experience and 19 years of college football experience, has attained the peak of both collegiate and professional football. He receives significant compensation for his years of experience.

#4 Sean McVay – Los Angeles Rams - $14 million

When the Los Angeles Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in February 2022, Sean McVay, then 36, became the youngest coach to win the Super Bowl. He has received significant compensation for his positive effects on this team since his arrival.

#5 Mike Tomlin – Pittsburgh Steelers - $12.5 million

Mike Tomlin, one of the best coaches in the NFL, just completed his 16th season with the Pittsburgh Steelers. He's among the highest-paid players in the NFL, partly because of his success with the Steelers.

Who are the lowest-paid NFL coaches?

#5 Matt LaFleur – Green Bay Packers – $5 million

The Green Bay Packers' four-year contract with Matt LaFleur reportedly pays him an average of $5 million annually.

#4 Robert Saleh – New York Jets – $5 million

After years of being a league pushover, Robert Saleh had the New York Jets in playoff contention last season.

#3 Zac Taylor – Cincinnati Bengals – $4.5 million

A surprise Super Bowl run in the 2021-22 season got Zac Taylor a contract extension through 2026 that sees him earn $4.5 million annually.

#2 Mike McCarthy – Dallas Cowboys – $4 million

In 2020, Mike McCarthy and the Dallas Cowboys agreed a five-year deal. He reportedly earns $4 million a year.

#1 Kevin Stefanski – Cleveland Browns – $3.5 million

Kevin Stefanski signed a five-year deal with the Cleveland Browns in January 2020, making him the organization's 18th head coach. He makes $3.5 million annually.

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