Genshin Impact weapons banner pity, soft pity, and guaranteed pull guide

Genshin Impact has been a prominent Gatcha game since its release. Although the most exasperating aspect of this genre is its reliance on luck, miHoYo's renowned title successfully overcame past wishing grievances by introducing the pity system. It provides players with an assurance of sorts while pulling for characters and weapons.

Genshin Impact has been a prominent Gatcha game since its release. Although the most exasperating aspect of this genre is its reliance on luck, miHoYo's renowned title successfully overcame past wishing grievances by introducing the pity system. It provides players with an assurance of sorts while pulling for characters and weapons.

Despite the low 1% five-star summons rate, it is fairly easy for travelers to confirm their summons if they have enough Primogems. The Pity system ensures the same for Genshin Impact players.

As F2P players might want to obtain good wish-exclusive weapons, it is important to know the mechanism for utilizing the required number of Primogems. The following section will explain the process and how travelers can make the most of it.

Pity in character event wish vs weapons banner in Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact, the pity system ensures that players will eventually get a highlighted 5-star character or weapon. There are two types of pities offered in the game.

Players can check the number of pulls in the History section of the Wish menu (Image via Genshin Impact))

Each banner has a five-star character featured on it. When players use 90 fates to wish on the Event Wish, Hard Pity applies. Travelers are sure to get a five-star, either the featured one or any from the Standard 'Wanderlust Invocation' roster, which currently includes Jean, Diluc, Mona, Keqing, Qiqi, and Tighnari.

There is also the concept of Soft Pity, which increases the chances of getting a five-star before 90 wishes. This caveat closes up to 75 wishes. After innumerable simulations and assessments, the community discovered that the lower pity count for each banner is close to 75.

Fortunately, the pity count for the banners is carried over to the next and is shared between two of the same type. For example, if two featured event-exclusive banners are running simultaneously, players can pull on any of them to raise the pity count of both. However, obtaining a five-star on one of them will reset this count.

Players will have a 50% chance of pulling for the featured character in Genshin Impact when trying for the first time. There is a 50% chance of obtaining any other character from the Standard Banner. If one doesn't get the featured subject from the banner, the next five-star will be guaranteed to be the featured one. If they get the latter, the next attempt will again carry a fifty-fifty probability.

Weapon Banner

Charting a course for Epitomized Path (Image via Genshin Impact)

The hard pity system on the Genshin Impact weapons banner is set at 80 wishes. In contrast, the soft pity count starts at 65 wishes and quickly increases after 70 pulls, making it considerably more feasible.

However, the Epitomized Path in the weapon banner complicates matters. Players may select their preference from the two highlighted five-star weapons in the Epitome Invocation using the Epitomized Path feature.

Travelers can chart a course to any one of the weapons. Every time one does not receive the desired weapon, they receive a Fate Point. That said, there is a two-point limit on the same. When players receive those two Fate Points, they will get the weapon they selected via the Epitomized Path as their next five-star drop.

However, each time one obtains their chosen weapon from the banner, their Fate Points are reset. The same occurs when they select a different weapon for the course or cancel it. The figure also resets whenever a new Epitome Invocation appears, unlike the pity system in normal and character event wish banners.

Thus, to get the desired weapon, travelers might need to spend as much as 240 Fates. This mechanism offers no certainties and hence, might not be recommended for F2P or low-spenders who aren't in dire need of a weapon.

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