Exclusive Interview: Singer/Songwriter HRVY chats about his upcoming tour

We recently got to have a chat with singer/songwriter HRVY about his upcoming tour with The Vamps. The 19-year-old singer became a social media sensation on platforms such as Instagram and Musical.ly. Hes amassed over 1million followers on Musical.ly, 2.3 million followers on Instagram and over 350,000 on Twitter. Before his fame on social media,

We recently got to have a chat with singer/songwriter HRVY about his upcoming tour with The Vamps.

The 19-year-old singer became a social media sensation on platforms such as Instagram and Musical.ly. He’s amassed over 1million followers on Musical.ly, 2.3 million followers on Instagram and over 350,000 on Twitter. Before his fame on social media, HRVY was a presenter on BBC’s Friday download. After that he took to social media and released his first EP, ‘Holiday’ on July 25, 2017.

Hello, Hrvy,  thank you so much for taking the time to have a chat with me on behalf of CelebMix.

It’s ok that you for giving me the opportunity.

So first question: You’re going on tour with The Vamps soon, are you excited?

Very excited! We are going to be doing arenas, there is going to be dancing which is an exciting new thing for me so I’m a bit nervous.

Have you been practising dance routines for the tour?

Yes, I’ve been practising a lot, like all the time. This is because when you perform on stage it’s live but when you perform in a music video you can do it over and over again until you get it right so, when you’re in front of people you can’t mess it up.

How do you prepare for a tour?

Most of the time it’s warming up my voice because when you’re on tour you sing every day so you have to warm up a lot. Also, outfits as well, you’ve got to look good when you’re on stage, so I’ve been looking at outfits to wear.

How do you approach choosing a setlist? 

I find out how much time I have on stage and how many songs I will be able to play. Then I pick the songs I think the fans will most want to hear and if I have any music out at the time or coming out.

After a gig when you’re tired, what do you do to chill out?

I don’t really know, I usually go on my phone, see if people have posted anything on Instagram from the show, have McDonald’s and listen to music, really

Before the show is there anything you do, any traditions like a handshake or a pose?

Not really, I usually go to my mum’s for a roast before a tour. I like a nice dinner before I go away for a while, otherwise, I don’t really have any others

When you’re touring with The Vamps which venue are you most excited to perform at?

All of them are really special but probably, London O2 because that’s my hometown and probably the Manchester Arena because that is a big arena.

What is one of your favourite memories from a tour?

Performing at the O2 arena for the first time.

With your favourite memory always come a weird or worst memory so what is yours?

I mean, there was this one girl who sprinted next to the van as we were driving off from the venue and she tripped over and went flying but we couldn’t stop as it was a one-way system and I felt really bad.

If you could play any venue in the whole world, where would you play and why?

Madison Square Garden because it’s such an iconic venue, and it’s in America and it really means you’ve made it.

If you could duet with anyone on stage who would you choose and why?

Ed Sheeran because he’s an amazing artist and I think he’d be really cool to hang out with because he’s so down to earth. Or Ariana Grande!

What song would you perform with either of those two?

Probably one of their songs or a song we’d write together, that would be cool.

Follow HRVY’s social media and to stay up to date with all the latest news about HRVY.

Instagram | Twitter | Musical.ly – @hrvy

Don’t forget to grab your tickets for The Vamps tour which HRVY will be joining as a support act here!

Will you be seeing HRVY at any of The Vamps shows? Tweet us and let us know @CelebMix!

